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January 23, 2006



Nice to read that you all had a wonderful trip :0) LOL, I've not been online much (doc has me on bedrest) & I am awfully happy to have popped over to see if ya'll had made it home! LOL...I enlarged your photo..the fair isle cardi looks amazing!! Nice to hear about yummy new things in the fall...what ya got new for me now?! LOL!! Just playing..sorta! So, tell me, are you participating in the knitting olympics?! I'm finally doing the lace shawl from fall Vogue...hope to..it's rather large for this time frame.
Glad ya'll had a nice vacation. Lonnie, Sally & I went to FL & had a great time. Sally enjoys traveling with us, all except the part when she isn't allowed to go with us & has to stay in the room :0) Headed back to bed. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!

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  • Xena sunbathing on the deck
    Xena is my 8-year old Pomeranian. She is with me all the time with the exceptions of trips to countries with pet quarantines. So, I have lots of opportunities to take photos of her!
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