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February 21, 2006



I see Stitches was fun...WONDERFUL!! Didn't it make u feel good to hear all of the positive comments about my fave company?! WOW....those are going to be orange socks! How did you know that was the color that I was lacking in my sock yarn box?! I do so love dyeing your fingering wt Color your Own; of course, the worsted did just as well..but socks are more fun!! I used Koolaid..not quite as vibrant as those that you have dyed for me...I meant you..oops...LOL!!!!
Glad Stitches was fun..can't wait to see the gloves!!!


What color jacquard did you use?

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  • Xena sunbathing on the deck
    Xena is my 8-year old Pomeranian. She is with me all the time with the exceptions of trips to countries with pet quarantines. So, I have lots of opportunities to take photos of her!
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