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February 13, 2006



Okay, since I am unable to participate in the olympics due to injury & my chosen sport/category was shawl knitting...#15 Lace Wrap from fall Vogue...I need to know what my fellow teammate, Karen is knitting...which shawl has she chosen? Is she doing well for the shawl/wrap knitters? I have faith that she is!! Your mittens are too lovely, my dear!!
Looks like ya'll were all set up for some serious olympic-style knitting! Aren't you just heart broken that I wasn't there?!...LOL
Keep up the good work..hugs. FYI, just got back from the doc..still on bedrest..but, I have found that I can do a small amt of knitting; so I'm doing some washcloths, etc, small, easy projects..then when my wrists begin to hurt..into the paraffin bath they go!

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  • Xena sunbathing on the deck
    Xena is my 8-year old Pomeranian. She is with me all the time with the exceptions of trips to countries with pet quarantines. So, I have lots of opportunities to take photos of her!
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