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April 25, 2008


Nat Alea in OK

What great pictures! German people are the most generous and loving people I've ever met. I thnk it would be hard to leave your booth with all the goodies you had! Nat Alea


I'm glad you enjoy your trip to Germany. I do miss it too and I'm sure your Options needles will be received great.



So enjoyed reading about your trip.

Here is a topic for your future blogs or podcast--if I can make myself clear . . . would love to know more about the producers of your yarn with out giving away your secrets. I guess I am thinking about the process from highland herder in the Andes to my hands. Others may find it dull but I just think the process is interesting and makes one appreciate the efforts of all parties involved--especially the sheep and the people who work closely with them.

Half the time I think I should write a resume and apply for a job at Knit Picks----I know it is hard word but I am so impressed with what you and Bob have created keep up the wonderful work!

Thanks for sharing!




I really enjoy your podcasts. They are a treat each week as I take the train to Philadelphia. You mentioned you would be here in May. Will you be here for the Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival next weekend?

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  • Xena sunbathing on the deck
    Xena is my 8-year old Pomeranian. She is with me all the time with the exceptions of trips to countries with pet quarantines. So, I have lots of opportunities to take photos of her!
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