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June 10, 2008



I sure wish they had this software for my HTC Touch...


That is WAY cool...I may just have to get a Palm Pilot!


Me, too, I've carried it as a way to know how much yarn prospective projects required. That way, when I find a yarn store on my travels, I have a clue as to what yarn I could actually knit into a project. (I don't buy yarn without a project in mind, unless it's sock yarn.)


I guess it is handy that you can carry it around with you where-ever you go, but I would still rather use Ravelry. To each his own I guess.


Wow! Like Ravelry on the go! That just about makes me want to buy a palm. How handy it would be so that when I grab a project on the way out I would remember.

Hi Stacey,

It's scary how quickly I've become addicted to my Palm and the Knit Able program. Just this weekend, I was knitting on a pair of toe-up socks using Tina's pattern (Magic Loop Two at a Time Socks) and I made such good progress I got to the heel! Moment of panic! Then I remembered that I had put the bare bones of the pattern into my Knit Able program so I could continue!



What a neat software package! I keep notes of all my knitting projects on my Treo, but this blows it away.

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  • Xena sunbathing on the deck
    Xena is my 8-year old Pomeranian. She is with me all the time with the exceptions of trips to countries with pet quarantines. So, I have lots of opportunities to take photos of her!
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