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September 15, 2008



Honestly, I absolutely LOVE this podcast. It's so great. If you haven't already, try the Good Food podcast put out by KCRW.org. Some of it is local for So Cal listeners, but there are still fabulous segments you might find interesting!


Thanks for the tip on the new podcast, Kelly. BTW, I tried Jacques Pepin's egg recipe when I read his book, and it is quite nice - I hope that you and your company enjoy it.


but what was your favourite biscuit/cookie in the UK? Did you fall for the vanilla delights of a custard cream or go for thespicy crunch of a gingersnap?
You might not be surprised to know that we British are a bit obsessed with our tea & biscuits and there's even a website to dedicated to it. Have a look at

and have a stroll down memory lane (put the kettle on first though!!)


I like the new blog/design! I have not had a chance to read it all but will. Thanks for posting photos of your Ireland trip and the steeking video clips.

Happy knitting,


I love your blog photos! They're so pretty! Especially the IReland photos! Makes me want to book a trip right away!

Also wanted to let you know that I listen to your Knit Picks podcast all the time. I can't hardly wait until the new comes on to be downloaded each week! One bad part about it though - I can't find another podcast that I like as much! They are usually so... BLAH!

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Having read this post, I have learned for myself a lot of the new. Thanks

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  • Xena sunbathing on the deck
    Xena is my 8-year old Pomeranian. She is with me all the time with the exceptions of trips to countries with pet quarantines. So, I have lots of opportunities to take photos of her!
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